We asked the team what it's been like working from home with kids in lockdown... - Ashdown Phillips & Partners
Surveying: is this how you thought 2020 would look?
We asked Gary Metcalf, Associate Director at The Bower in Shoreditch what it’s been like starting his new job in lockdown…

We asked the team what it's been like working from home with kids in lockdown...

How have you found working from home with kids? Easy, right?! We asked some of our team who have shared their experiences: the good, the bad, the ugly, the funny and absolute chaos that it's been during lockdown so far - Russell Jaycock, Director and Head of Facilities, Chloe O'Donnell, Centre Manager at Idlewells Shopping Centre, Nikki Gibson, Associate Director, Anthony Springle, Director and Sarah O'Leary, Credit Control Manager discuss what it's like to be a working parent throughout lockdown and how they're surviving, thank you to Steve Kreeger from Red Bullet for charing, we hope you enjoy this video: Parenting Life In Lockdown with kids at your side! .