Who We Are - Ashdown Phillips & Partners

Who we are

Ashdown Phillips & Partners was established in 2004, by founding Directors Richard and Kate Phillips. They believed there was a better and more sustainable way to manage property and set out to become the closest thing to an in-house service a client could find. Our clients range from professional property owners and developers to multi-industry investors with little knowledge of the UK property industry. We offer a full range of property management services. And, because we are experts, we are well known for our comprehensive due diligence procedures and are increasingly being asked to consult with our existing clients – and potential new clients – to give pre-purchase advice.

We are proud to be part of a brilliant team.

We hire people because we think they will be great at what they do. Some already are, with all the right qualifications in place. In others, we see potential and invest in them to give them the skills they need. It's important that we work with people who believe in the same things we do. Our team are focused: able to 'do the detail' well. They are expert: providing bright solutions. They understand the world is a connected system: they are connected to each other, to our client teams and to the communities they serve. Most of all, we like to work with happy people so we provide our team with the tools to be happy and fulfilled in their role, enabling them to be committed to delivering brilliant property management.

Dora Zsiros

Event Co-Ordinator
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Jody Jordan

Centre Manager
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Lorna Wright

Flexible Workspace Manager
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Maddie O’Hanlon

Head of Front of House
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Nikki Gibson

Director  ·  Head of Flexible Workspaces
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Therasa Willis

Senior Events Coordinator
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